Vote for Humanity

As a Catholic, I accept the basic truth of my faith that underlies the sanctity of human life. That basic principle is that we all derive our dignity from our creation as individuals in the image and likeness of God. We are created as one family with great diversity. Our faith teaches that God is trinity, a community of love, and we, made in God’s image and likeness are to be the same.

As election day is upon us, I take my faith to the voting booth. The general feeling of the nation is that the vote tomorrow is a referendum on Trump. I cannot argue with that, he chooses to say a vote for a republican is a vote for him. Most of his party has voted in lock step with him over the past two years. Politicians who berated Obama for his spending, voted to increase the deficit with their tax cuts for the wealthy. All but three of his senators voted to destroy the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare), with no replacement agreed upon. All senators but one voted for the confirmation of an accused sexual abuser for a seat on the supreme court.

Trump’s rhetoric over the past few weeks, makes it clear that the racism of which he has been accused is verifiable. I cannot tell if his is inherently racist or simply finds it helpful to advance his agenda and power up his MAGA followers. But I have no doubt is is a very ill individual. His rhetoric led to the deaths of two blacks and eleven Jewish worshippers last week and motivated a disciple to send fifteen bombs to political leaders who believe Trump is leading the nation away from its founding ideals.

As I enter the voting booth, I will not see Trump’s name, but will vote against any member of his party on the federal level. Anyone who denigrates minorities, immigrants, people who are poor or disabled, or who embraces those who do so, is not deserving of a leadership role in America.

Some will say “But he appoints right to life judges!” To them I say, motive matters. If Trump believed in our common humanity his “right to life” position might have some weight. However, since he is willing, if not eager, to use nuclear weapons, berates anyone who disagrees with him, proposes cuts to child nutrition programs, and cares little for the violated immigrants of Central America who seek asylum on our nation, I believe his right to life position is simply manipulation. It allows for continued male domination of women’s bodies and their health. The Access Hollywood tape two years ago made it clear to us all the high regard in which he holds a woman’s body. In addition, the judges Trump appointed, as are those appointed by Bush, are myopically pro-business/anti-labor…but my objections to that are for another post.

There are so many more reasons to use this election to vote against Trump and his cronies, but believing in our common humanity is all the reason I need.

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